Trivzia is redefining mobile experience and piercing the monotony of social feeds through Pakistan’s first live mobile game show App in which participants can win real cash prizes daily.
It's an epic multiplayer quiz game show app and people can play live contestants. The acclaimed hosts of the show ask interesting questions and people may win real money for right answers. It's that simple and exciting.
Winning real money for a prize is very easy and requires following steps to be fulfilled:
- Download Trivzia Application.
- Get started with your Phone Verification (via SMS)
- You will receive the Live Game Show notifications prior to its start.
- Join the Game on time
- Answer the questions asked by our host (within 10 seconds for every question)
- Answer all questions to claim the daily prize money
If a participant has a lifeline, it will be consumed automatically (once a game except on the last question). Announced Prize Money will be distributed equally amongst all winners.
Send INVITATION to friends and family with the referral code and win a FREE Lifeline when they join the game.
Trivzia adalah mendefinisikan ulang pengalaman mobile dan menusuk monoton feed sosial melalui Pakistan live pertama game show App mobile di mana peserta dapat memenangkan hadiah uang nyata sehari-hari.
Ini adalah multiplayer epik kuis game show aplikasi dan orang-orang bisa bermain kontestan hidup. Host diakui acara mengajukan pertanyaan yang menarik dan orang-orang dapat memenangkan uang nyata untuk jawaban yang benar. Itu yang sederhana dan menarik.
Memenangkan uang riil untuk hadiah sangat mudah dan membutuhkan langkah-langkah berikut harus dipenuhi:
- Ambil Trivzia Aplikasi.
- Memulai Phone Verifikasi (via SMS)
- Anda akan menerima Live Game Show pemberitahuan sebelum dimulainya.
- Bergabung dengan Game di waktu
- Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang diajukan oleh tuan rumah kami (dalam waktu 10 detik untuk setiap pertanyaan)
- Jawaban semua pertanyaan untuk mengklaim hadiah uang harian
Jika peserta memiliki garis hidup, itu akan dikonsumsi secara otomatis (sekali permainan kecuali pada pertanyaan terakhir). Mengumumkan Hadiah Uang akan dibagikan secara merata di antara semua pemenang.
Kirim UNDANGAN kepada teman dan keluarga dengan kode referral dan memenangkan Lifeline GRATIS ketika mereka bergabung permainan.
Trivzia is redefining mobile experience and piercing the monotony of social feeds through Pakistan’s first live mobile game show App in which participants can win real cash prizes daily.
It's an epic multiplayer quiz game show app and people can play live contestants. The acclaimed hosts of the show ask interesting questions and people may win real money for right answers. It's that simple and exciting.
Winning real money for a prize is very easy and requires following steps to be fulfilled:
- Download Trivzia Application.
- Get started with your Phone Verification (via SMS)
- You will receive the Live Game Show notifications prior to its start.
- Join the Game on time
- Answer the questions asked by our host (within 10 seconds for every question)
- Answer all questions to claim the daily prize money
If a participant has a lifeline, it will be consumed automatically (once a game except on the last question). Announced Prize Money will be distributed equally amongst all winners.
Send INVITATION to friends and family with the referral code and win a FREE Lifeline when they join the game.